GK, Banking & Computer Questions asked in RBI Assistant 2015 1st August Morning Slot Paper
RBI Assistant 2015 1st August 9:15 AM Paper Question
1. Which country will supply Uranium to India? – Canada
2. Currency of Switzerland & Liechtenstein? – Swiss franc
3. AIIB – Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Headquarter ? – Beijing
4. Who is Nazim Zaidi – Chief Election Commissioner of India
5. Author of the Book ” Test of My Life” – Yuvraj Singh
6. National Teachers Day – 5th September
7. CLRL + X function – Cutting & Copying the text
8. PROM Full Form – Programmable Read Only Memory
9. Which among the following is the pointing Device? – Mouse
10. Which among the following is the input output Device ? –
11. Headquarters of IMF (International Monetary Fund) situated? – Washington D.C.
12. Capital of Dadra and Nagar Haveli? – Silvassa
13. Recently, who appointed Deputy Governor of RBI?- S.S. Mundra
14. Who is the Information and Broadcasting Minister of India?- Arun Jaitely
15. Longest River – Nile
16. RBI Extended the Date of Pre 2005 Notes – 31st December 2015
17. Capital Requirement for Mudra Bank – Rs. 20,000 Crores
18. Carolina Marin is associated with which game – Badminton
19.Floyd Mayweather is associated with which game – Boxing
20. What is the Age Limit of Atal Pension Yojana – 18 Years to 40 Years
21. In Sukanya Samridhi Yojana Age limit for Girl Child is – 10 years
22. Which among the following is not a software – Printer
23. Which language is used to design webpage – HTML
24. Which among the following provides internet – ISP (Internet Service Provider)
25. What is C++ – High level Language
26. Important Function of CPU – Control Unit & ALU
27. CPU is _____ of Computer – Brain
28. Which Command is used for undo – CTRL + Z
29. What is the basic memory of computer – RAM & ROM
30. Which among the following is the largest memory unit – PB(Petabyte)
31. What is the main function of computer – Input, process, Output, storage
32. What is URL – Uniform Resource Locator
33. KV Kamath Appointed President of which Bank – BRICS New Development Bank
34. Which NASA probe searched water on Moon – LCROSS
35. India – Africa Summit 2015 Held in ? – New Delhi
36. Keoladeo National Park is in which state ? – Rajasthan
37. Basel Accords refer to the banking supervision Accords maintains its secretariat at the Bank for International Settlements in – Switzerland
38. In which year, Cooperative Societies Act was enacted – 1912
39. Which of the following bodies regulates the Regional Rural Banks – NABARD
40. For the regional rural banks, which among the following is the correct share of Central, State and Sponsor Bank – 50%, 15%, 35%
41. What was the name of State Bank of India (SBI) before it was created by SBI Act – Imperial Bank of India
42. Bibek Debroy committee is associated with – restructuring of Indian Railways
43. With which insurance company State Bank of India entered into a tie-up to offer non-life cover to its savings account holders under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)? – National Insurance Company (NICL)
44. Kalinga Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in? – Bhubaneswar
45. Kaiga generating station is a nuclear power generating station situated at Kaiga, near the river Kali, in Uttar Kannada district of ——-. – Karnataka
46. Who is the new Chief Information Commissioner? – Vijai Sharma
47. What was the name of State Bank of India ( SBI) before it was created by SBI Act? – Imperial Bank of India
48. Which country was the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment(FDI) in 2014, overtaking the US for the first time since 2003? – China
49. Who will be the recipient of the 2015 Liberty Medal? – Dalai Lama
50. Who was confirmed as ICC President? – Zaheer Abbas
51. Which Bank has launched a service where customers can make transactions using just their voice, without using other means of authentication like a password? – ICICI
52. Charles Correa has passed away recently. Who was he? – Indian Architect
53. Which country became the first developed country to default on its debt to the International Monetary Fund? – Greece

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